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Viznut is a demoscene artist who found the following bitart pattern that looks like birds flying rightward, the pattern can be seen in the Permacomputing Aesthetics paper:
abs(((x + y) & (x - y)) % 24) > 9
@viznut ( -> ) ( theme ) #0f08 DEOk INC INC DEOk INC INC DEO ( viewp ) #0100 #22 DEO2k INC INC DEO2 #00 &>x ( -- ) DUP #29 DEO #00 &>y ( -- ) DUP #2b DEO ( x y + ) ADDk STH ( x y - ) SUBk STHr ( &24 % ) AND #18 DIVk MUL SUB ( 9 > ) #09 GTH #2e DEO INC DUP ?&>y POP INC DUP ?&>x POP BRK
USING: accessors byte-vectors images images.viewer kernel math ranges sequences sequences.deep ; IN: capital.viznut : bitbash ( -- bits ) 256 [1..b] dup [ swap [ + ] [ - ] 2bi bitand 24 mod abs 9 > 255 0 ? ] cartesian-map flatten >byte-vector ; : viznut ( -- image ) <image> { 256 256 } >>dim bitbash >>bitmap L >>component-order ubyte-components >>component-type ; ! Run inside the listener: viznut image.
:N 256; :rem dup2 / * -; :idx2 over2 nip over; ( ppm header ) 'P .c '1 .c .nl N . N . ( pixels ) N [ N [ idx2 N !- swap N !- dup2 + swap rot swap - & 24 rem 9 > \'0 \'1 ifte .c ] dotimes ] dotimes
* crc:drawing * formula-art :birds [ xy n:add xy n:sub and #24 n:mod n:abs #9 gt? ] draw:with-formula ; birds
<> (?0 ?1 `?:) ?: <> (?2 ?0 ?1 ?: draw) ?: <> ((?x ?y) Eval) (?x ?y `+ ?x ?y `- `& 24 `% 9 `> #ffffff `* ?x ?y pixel draw (?x ?y) Viznut) <> ((?x 256) Viznut) () <> ((256 ?y) Viznut) ((0 ?((?0 ?1 ?:) ?:) ?y 1 +) Eval) <> ((?x ?y) Viznut) ((?((?0 ?1 ?:) ?:) ?x 1 + ?y) Eval) ?((?0 ?1 ?:) ?:) 256 256 size (0 0) Viznut
This revision created on Thu, 16 Jan 2025 18:58:29 by neauoire (Improved uxntal version)