rendering flaw: 'documentation' in link in vocab help: missing bottom left pixel
rendering flaw: hold mouse over presentation: one pixel off
'edit' button in error list window has no restart list
word wrap at window width
baseline alignment for toolbar buttons
metrics seem wrong -- spacing between words in paragraph
line spacing: use leading
vocab browser: don't invadate entire cache all the time
P" completion
browser: bookmarks with keyboard nav
table outliners
usage profiling is missing still
xref tool
progress bars.
searching in inspector
use unicode symbols for more gestures
back/forward button menus in browser
history list in browser
cross-platform font listing etc
resizable splitter panes
cross-platform file dialogs
annotated words tool
walker: hit a breakpoint from tty listener; doesn't work
check bunny on x11
key-caps should use game-world to initialize game.input, fix key-caps deployment
combine gadget theme elements into one big texture and use texture co-ordinates to render components of scrollbar etc
avoid state changes
use glTexSubImage and manage textures manually instead of creating and deleting text textures all the time
generate text bitmaps lazily
make tables faster; eg, 10000 [ ] each 3 throw
don't recompute pref-dim, etc so much
open-ended tasks:
fiddle with component spacing
fiddle with color scheme
better default fonts
new ui listener: rewinding to prior stack states or continuations
better ui crossref tool
variable width word wrap in UI
fields: should be two-way
ui walker: some way to run code inside the context of the walker
walker & image save probably fails
clear output in busy listener: surprising result: perhaps listener commands should do nothing if listener is busy. similar: no editor loaded, click pathname: wrong restart race
vocab browser: -docs in file list even if it doesn't exist
handle GL context invalidation on windows and unix to avoid window from going black when moved between displays
pane selection issues:
drags in slot editor toolbar
there's a way to select the text area inside the scroller
pane selection past eol
don't traverse borders and scrollers
select content inside a slot editor, and expand: slice error
table selection in words. output is dodgy
don't request focus if selection didn't actually change
hold button on scroller thumb in error list: it jumps up
in the help browser, clicking on a link to the page you're on shouldn't add it to the history
C+z and S+C+Z
IN:<TAB> should complete to MIXIN:, etc
if you start a tab completion popup, type in a word in an unloaded vocab and then load that vocab, the popup does not update
table model change: try to preserve selection if possible
one shared list of load/test/lint/compile errors
set WMCLASS on x11
jao's sawfish bug
if world=>graft fails, UI enters an infinite loop:
clean up line rendering code
fix cross-platform rendering of radio buttons
input field should be right next to end of output
'+' renders funny on mac os x
when we drag quickly, the selection begins at the location of the first drag event, not the button-down event
os x: 'hide window' broken
exit-on-last-window-close broken with cocoa
got a type check for f in hide-popup
click button in key-caps
input field momentarily has text in it after evaluation of a command
elasticdog's expose issue
memory protection fault when adding methods to a cocoa class
last line in selection not rendered correctly
clicking in the empty space below the input area should focus on the input area
' / in windows ui
sometimes, typed text is inserted backwards if we start typing too soon after opening a popup
new ui listener: inline stack display
shift-drag is broken
drag in boundary between inspector editor field and scroller border, click commit; it fucks up
crash if draw-gadget or handle-gesture leaves values on the stack
editing inspector: dragging then clicking commit button caused error
shift-click in slot editor gadget is broken
f <model> "Hello world" <checkbox> "Hix" open-window: window has bad size
deploy tool help window is too big
put large line in interactor, move cursor left; it scrolls but cursor not visible
grid-lines look funny (same bug as "todo-list: table border has a missing pixel")
clicking on input object should focus on the input field
glRect doesn't work on ATI driver: we should stop using it along with glVertex anyway. Redo all rendering using vertex arrays