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7-zip can be used to produce a small and unobtrusive single file executable for Windows users. The self-extracting archive will be unzipped into the user's temp directory (%temp%) and a simple configuration file can be used to specify the executable to be run. After the application is closed, all files and folders created in the temp directory are deleted.
7-zip ExtrasInstaller
(example below)config.txt
(example below)7zS.sfx
or 7zSD.sfx
using a resource editorcr.bat
and test generated executableNote:
are included in the readme.txt in the Installer directory. This file must be saved as UTF-8.7zSD.sfx
requires the user to have the Microsoft C runtime library installed (msvcrt.dll)cr.bat
del archive.7z del archive.exe cd "Boids" ..\..\7zr a archive.7z * move archive.7z ..\ cd ..\ copy /b ..\7zS.sfx + config.txt + archive.7z archive.exe
;!@Install@!UTF-8! Progress="no" RunProgram="hello-ui.exe" ;!@InstallEnd@!
This revision created on Wed, 26 Aug 2009 01:15:20 by mnestic (updating exe name to vocab that should stick around)