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Quackery is an open source, lightweight, entry level concatenative language for educational and recreational programming. It is coded as a Python 3 function in around 48k of Pythonscript, about half of which is a string of Quackery code. The Quackery GitHub repository, which includes the Quackery manual The Book of Quackery in pdf form, is at [[]]. == Examples of Quackery code == More examples can be found at [[]]. === Naive Recursive Fibonacci === [{ [ dup 2 < if done dup 1 - recurse swap 2 - recurse + ] is fibonacci ( n --> n )}] === Insertion Sort === [{ [ stack ] is sort.test ( --> s ) [ ]'[ sort.test put [] swap witheach [ swap 2dup findwith [ over sort.test share do ] [ ] nip stuff ] sort.test release ] is sortwith ( [ --> [ ) [ sortwith > ] is sort ( [ --> [ )}] -%sort.test% is an ancillary stack. There are no variables in Quackery, ancillary stacks include serving as local variables amongst their uses. -%]'[% is called "meta-quote" - it grants the behaviour of %'% ("quote") to %sortwith% as syntactic sugar. Without the meta-quote in %sortwith%, %sort% would be defined as %[ ' > sortwith ] is sort% === A Quackery Quine === [{[ this unbuild $ " is quine" join quackery ]}] This nest creates a Quackery word called quine that creates a copy of itself. -%this% -- put a copy of the nest it is in (a nest is items bounded by %[% and %]%) on the stack. -%unbuild% -- decompile the item on the top of stack. -%$ " is quine"% -- put the string literal " is quine" on the top of stack. -%join% -- concatenate top two items. -%quackery% -- compile and evaluate ToS. (%quackery% is defined as %[ build do ] is quackery%)
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