Concatenative language
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=== is an Android App with a subset of the Joy programming language and some modifications === The App was implemented in Kotlin and compiled with Android Studio (Electric Eel) == External resources == - [[|JoyOfPostfix/App]] in heise/Download in the Android Register - [[|JoyOfPostfix/PDF]] in heise/Download also in the Android Register - [[|JoyOfPostfix.pdf]] at Github - [[|]] homepage [[image:]] After starting the App, type *words* and then *CALC* [{help words dump date timestamp fcopyto fremove files savetext loadtext save load . print .s unpair pair qsort enconcat clear Y fact reci root rem dupd popd swapd rotated rollupd rolldownd last init ifnull iflist ifcons ifbool ifident iffloat ifstring ifundef copy collect setrec set trans test gc helpinfo identdump identlist timeformat strtod trytoval toval tostr parse pack unpack size error abort try binrec linrec genrec tailrec primrec cleave split2 filter fold map step break loop while times cond case choice ifte branch if return do nullary dip2 dip i join split replace1 replace ord chr trimpre trimr triml trim capitalize lower upper indexof rightstr leftstr substr put get prod sum fromto iota count find swoncat concat drop take make of at index intern bound user info body name type undef string float ident consp bool leaf list null small in has max min >= <= > < != <> = xor or and not deg rad tanh cosh sinh atan2 atan acos asin tan cos sin pi cbrt sqrt sq log2 log10 log exp roundto round frac int trunc ceil floor neg abs sign succ pred pow mod ÷ / × * - + reverse unswons swons uncons cons rest first rolldown rollup rotate over swap pop dup unstack stack id ' ! == undefined}] [[image:]] Made by [[|metazip]]
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