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The _Factor UI_ is a GUI toolkit together with a set of developer tools, written entirely in [[Factor]], implemented on top of a combination of [[Factor/OpenGL]] and native platform APIs: [[Factor/X11]], [[Factor/Win32]] and [[Factor/Cocoa]]. The developer tools include the graphical listener, browser and other features. UI gadgets are rendered using the cross-platform OpenGL API, while native platform APIs are used to create windows and receive events. The platform bindings can be also used independently; X11 binding has also been used in a Factor window manager, Factory, which is no longer maintained. The Cocoa binding is used directly by the %webkit-demo% vocabulary in Factor. Documentation: - [[]] - the UI toolkit - [[]] - the UI developer tools Screenshots: - [[]] - [[]] The Factor UI borrows ideas from several older projects: - [[CLIM]] - [[|Garnet]] - [[Oberon]]
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