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=== is a [[|point-free]] programming language with [[|instance variables]] === FP trivia is a pure functional programming language inspired by the [[|FP-Systems]] of [[|John Backus]], [[APL]], [[Smalltalk]] and [[Lisp]]. It is intended to remedy the problematic fact that FP[1] is viewed as [[|free of variables]], which is also true in terms of [[|lambda]] variables, but not in terms of the [[|instance variables]] that are used by FP trivia. The main data type is therefore a [[|table]] that the instance variables can access and also allows the [[|infix notation]] which is mostly [[|right-associative]]. == Syntax == A table is a linear arrangement of [[|key-value pairs]] similar to a [[|linked list]]. [{ ( value0 key0 value1 key1 value2 key2 ... ... valuen keyn ) }] An instance variable can then access a certain key and pick out the associated value. [{ #key1 : (value0 key0 value1 key1 value2 key2 ... ... valuen keyn) --> value1 }] In the original FP by John Backus, it was only possible to access values in a sequence using numbers as selectors. This is still possible via integer numbers[2] on the values in the table. [{ [2] : (value0 key0 value1 key1 value2 key2 ... ... valuen keyn) --> value2 }] So you can define a function that adds three numbers. [{ triadd == (#a + #b + #c) <- a;b;c; triadd ° 10,20,30, --> 60 }] more [[|code examples]] == References == - [1] [[|Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann style?: A functional style and its algebra of programs]] - [2] integer numbers consist of the [[|Gaussklammer]] == External resources == - [[|Link to FP trivia pointfrip Repo]] and - [[|FP trivia as Download]] (Reference in English/German) - [[|Website of FP trivia]] - [[|Website of Android-Calculator Pointfrip]] (Reference PDF, English/German) - [[|esolangs/FP trivia]] [[image:]] [[image:]]
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