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Concata is a stack-based concatenative functional programming language inspired by Elixir and Forth. It is interpreted and runs on a VM, aiming to offer a readable and user-friendly stack-based programming experience.
Concata is still a work-in-progress, but hopefully will be released soon at
"Hello, world!n" Stdout Write
uses io
"Hello, world!" IO.PrintLn
1 10 ... for n =>
[n] "vn" Fmt Stdout Write
fun Fact 0 => 1
fun Fact n[Uint] => n 1 - Fact n
[5 Fact] "vn" Fmt Stdout Write
uses [io range]
fun Fact n[Uint] => 1 n ... 1 // Range.Product
5 Fact IO.PrintLn
This revision created on Fri, 12 Jul 2024 20:34:28 by lordoftrident (Add a Concata page)